Kelas, jam istirahat
“Pram, ada yang nyariin loe tuh”
”Cewe, tuh dia ada di luar kelas, sana liat sendiri”
“You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It's just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.”
Kelas, jam istirahat
“Pram, ada yang nyariin loe tuh”
”Cewe, tuh dia ada di luar kelas, sana liat sendiri”
Pertama kali denger berita ini dari nd4hpus, dan setelah di cek ternyata kontes foto neh.
Awalnya sempet ragu buat ikutan soalnya seingatku ga pernah nyimpen foto diri, ada juga foto komodo lagi mejeng hehehe.
Namun akhirnya setelah obrak abrik gudang, ketemu juga neh foto.
So dalam rangka meramaikan The Amazing Picture nya Pakde Cholik sebagai salah satu acara dalam rangka peringatan Milad yang ke-1 buat BlogCamp nya, Aku ikut sertakan foto ini yang kuberi judul sesuai dengan judul postingan ini.
Dah beberapa minggu ini aku kehabisan ide buat nulis di blog, bahkan saat BW sekalipun dilakukan tanpa meninggalkan jejak.
Sepertinya penyakit malasku dah semakin parah.
Minggu lalu juga aku memantapkan hati untuk mengatakan say goodbye to facebook, dah lah, media kacau seperti itu ditinggalin aja……tapi twitter tetep jalan…….setidaknya sampai saat ini, twitter ga dipake buat ngehina agama orang….(atau jangan jangan belum atao aku ga tau…)
Nah di twitter lagi rame soal flotilla, itu kapal misi kemanusiaan buat bantuan ke Gaza yang di serang ama israel di tengah perairan internasional, dini hari pula…duh kacau tuh israel…..
dan ternyata twitterpun tersentuh tangan tangan israel setidaknya bisa dilihat dari tidak masuknya topic #flotilla ke dalam trending topic twitter, padahal itu yang komen bejibun banget dari seluruh dunia………
UN Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs Oscar Fernandez-Taranco has called on Israel to end its "unacceptable" blockade of the Gaza Strip.
Fernandez-Taranco, who was speaking at an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, said that Israel's Monday attack on peace activists on a flotilla of ships off the coast of Gaza would not have happened without the blockade.
Ajakan global untuk menentang kelakuan israel di Palestina.
Gerakan massal tanggal 5 Juni berdemo di depan kedubes israel atau kedubes temannya israel.
Lengkapnya silahkan di baca di sini
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has condemned Israel's attack on peace activists on a flotilla of ships carrying relief supplies to the Gaza Strip.
Chavez called the attack "an act of war undertaken by the Israeli army against defenseless civilians" who were trying to break through Israel's "criminal blockade."
"Venezuela will continue to denounce the terrorist and criminal nature of Israel's government, even as it reiterates, today more than ever, its unbreakable commitment to the fight of the Palestinian people for freedom, national sovereignty, and dignity," he said in a statement issued on Monday.
Venezuela cut its diplomatic ties with Israel in 2009 to protest the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.
The Israeli navy attacked the Freedom Flotilla, which was carrying humanitarian assistance to Gaza, in international waters in the Mediterranean Sea early on Monday, killing at least 20 people on board the six ships, mostly Turkish nationals.
About 50 others were injured, according to Palestinian sources.
Source :§ionid=351020704
International Solidarity Movement
31 May 2010
US citizen Emily Henochowicz was shot directly in the face with a tear gas canister as she non-violently demonstrated against the Flotilla massacre
American activist loses eye after being shot in face with tear gas canister
31 May 2010: An American solidarity activist was shot in the face with a tear gas canister during a demonstration in Qalandiya, today. Emily Henochowicz is currently in Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem undergoing surgery to remove her left eye, following the demonstration that was held in protest to Israel’s murder of at least 10 civilians aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in international waters this morning.
I am outraged at Israel's latest criminal act. I mourn with my fellow Free Gaza travelers, the lives that have been lost by Israel's needless, senseless act against unarmed humanitarian activists. But I'm even more outraged that once again, Israel's actions have been aided and abetted by a U.S. political class that has become corrupted beyond belief due to its reliance on Zionist finance and penetration by Zionist zealots for whom no U.S. weapons system is too much for the Israeli war machine, and the silence of the world's onlookers whose hearts have grown cold with indifference.
I recently visited the offices of IHH, the Turkish humanitarian organization that sponsored one of the Freedom Flotilla boats, and that was targeted by the Israelis for its murderous rampage. Reports are still coming in as to the full extent of the senseless Israeli violence. Of course, I expect Israel's apologists in the press and in the United States government to shift into high gear to support Israel's lying machine. Take note of their names. The 12,000 internet squatters/written word grenade throwers, hired by the Israeli Foreign Ministry to defend Israel and attack peace activists online, are already busy spreading their orchestrated disinformation in cyberspace. Be very careful what you read and believe from special interest press and the internet. You could be reading one of Israel's hired hacks. As a news diversion from what Israel has just done, I suspect that we can also expect to see a lot of historical footage of war's atrocities on television: today is Memorial Day in the United States, a day long ago set aside to remember the sacrifices of U.S. war dead.
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